The latest Big Data in Agriculture news

The Platform for Big Data and the digital future of CGIAR
The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture is coming to the end of its cycle. Here are some important proof-points looking back over the Platform's start in 2017 ...

Read about where BIG DATA's capabilities might appear within the new One CGIAR ...

Webinar – Digital innovations in agriculture
This webinar by the Geospatial Data Community of Practice presents four applications of digital innovations for index-based agricultural insurance products ...

New webpage featuring the most used ontologies in the agri-food domain
The Ontologies Community of Practice has developed a webpage providing at a glance the most popular ontologies in the agri-food domain along with the ontologies developed by CGIAR and its ...

Big data and agricultural research: Results of online survey for CAS Secretariat commissioned independent evaluation
The CGIAR Advisory Services Shared Secretariat (CAS Secretariat), in line with its mandate and 2021 workplan, commissioned an independent evaluation team of subject matter experts to evaluate the work of ...
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Can big data increase food production?
As a young data scientist I strongly believe that if we can share the data we hold in our laptops, and take advantage of the daily generated data, we can have more nutritious food in our plates.

Big Data to the rescue for cassava disease monitoring in Uganda
Quick disease monitoring and diagnosis of tubers, due to the limited number of experts and resources to cover the entire country, has been a problem for Uganda. How can big data solve this?

Big data poised to transform the global food chain
To achieve food and nutritional security, for present and future generations, an agricultural transformation is not only required. It is vital.

Big Data is the future. But where are the farmers?
Although data is important for all players in the value chain, the primary end-users are the farmers and they are the most novice players in the big data approach, particularly those in developing countries.

Data democracy: Data from the people, by the people, for the people
If the farmer has right to consume, sell, or share their crop, then what about the data generated by the farm? For real digital empowerment there must also be data empowerment.
News from our Communities of Practice
Youth in Data
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Policy seminar: Digital technologies are crucial to transforming Africa’s food systems
A recent policy seminar brought together four speakers who addressed how new digital technologies and services are already making an ...
Connecting farmers to better information in Nepal
An Interactive Voice Response service is putting remote farmers in touch withwith a ‘world of information’ to improve livelihoods The ...
Scientists develop an early warning system that delivers wheat rust predictions directly to farmers’ phones
New research describes a revolutionary early warning system that can predict and mitigate wheat rust diseases in Ethiopia ...
UN-sponsored report acknowledges CIMMYT’s use of data and technologies to promote sustainable farming in Latin America
CIMMYT’s work featured on the Counting on the World to Act report, produced by SDSN and TReNDS. What to read ...