2020 Convention session – An introduction to AgriFoodTrust and call to action

This session, an introduction to AgriFoodTrust and call to action, aired live at the virtual 2020 CGIAR Convention on Big Data in Agriculture.

This session is an introduction to AgriFoodTrust, the testing and learning platform for digital trust and transparency technologies. On behalf of the co-founders Gideon Kruseman gives an introduction on the platform and its philosophy.


  • Gideon Kruseman: CIMMYT, Foresight and Ex-Ante Research Leader
  • Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt: The New Fork, Founder
  • Chris Addison: AgriFoodTrust, CoFounder
  • David Davies: AgUnity, Founder & CEO
  • Puvan Selvanathan: Bluenumber, Executive Director
  • Eloise Stanicioff: ESEB, OKP4, Director of Strategy and Innovation
  • Lars Kahnert: GIZ, Advisor
  • Tokya Dammond: Symbio Organic, President
  • Nathan Anderson: Scantrust , CEO

November 4, 2020

CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture


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