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Annual Report 2019
In 2019, under its three modules INSPIRE, CONVENE and ORGANIZE, the Platform made significant strides to build fundamental technologies and data standards to support CGIAR’s digital strategy, develop strategic digital partner networks, and foster new innovative pathways that leverage public-good data to solve intractable challenges at scale.
Shared Services
The platforms enables access to shared services in support of CGIAR research and its researchers, including the secure sharing and transfer of large datasets, commercial satellite imagery and gridded global weather data.
2019 Convention Highlights
Check out the takeaways from our 2019 Convention
Explore topics such as digital extension, interactive voice response, privacy guidelines and more.
Guidelines for managing privacy and personally identifiable information in the research project data cycle.
Communities of practice
Our communities foster collaboration spaces and opportunities, facilitate connectivity and sharing of methodologies, and support the organization of capacity-building workshops.
Engage with a range of industry experts & actors to produce new ideas to solve current agriculture development problems.
The Inspire Challenge
The Inspire Challenge has so far awarded a total of USD3.225 million in grants to 21 projects. Follow their progress here!
Solutions for feeding the future, byte by byte.
Evidence Clearing House
Showcasing all kinds of digital tools that will help practitioners easily identify mature technologies and entry-points in food systems.
Youth in Data Initiatives
The Platform is working towards creating pathways and opportunities for youth to contribute to agricultural transformation.