Webinar – Labelled property graphs, Web Ontology Language, and WebProtégé

This webinar by the Ontologies Community of Practice presents work on making WebProtégé compatible with a labelled property graph representation of Web Ontology Language ontologies.

During this webinar, Matthew Horridge from Stanford University presents his team’s work on making WebProtégé compatible with a labelled property graph (LPG) representation of Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies. WebProtégé is one of the most widely used open source collaborative ontology engineering tools for OWL. LPGs have recently gained a lot of traction in industry and academia for representing very large knowledge bases.

Over the course of a year, his group worked with BASF, who use LPGs for representing company knowledge about chemicals, on a project to devise a LPGs representation for OWL ontologies. Matthew discusses the representation that the team has designed and he talks about how they produced a Neo4j-based backend for WebProtégé that is capable of working with LPGs and Cypher.


Matthew Horridge, Stanford University

Links mentioned


00:00:50 Presentation
00:53:32 Questions

September 9, 2021

Ontologies Community of Practice

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