The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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2020 Convention session – Non-traditional Big Data for Women’s Empowerment

This session on non-traditional big data sources for women’s empowerment aired live at the virtual 2020 CGIAR Convention on Big Data in Agriculture.

Gender and big data experts will join for a deep discussion on how non-traditional big data sources such as social media data or call detail records (CDRs), can be leveraged to empower women in agriculture. What insights can CDR analysis lend to the study of gender in agricultural development? How can other ‘novel’ big data sources (e.g. social media data mobile network data) advance our understanding of gender dynamics and guide our interventions?


  • Astrid Van Lierde, Dalberg Data Insights, Senior Project Manager
  • Denys Sementsov, Dalberg Data Insights, Tech Lead
  • Anna Lerner, Data and AI Facebook, Data for SDGs Lead

October 30, 2020

CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture


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