2020 Convention session – Welcome & Opening Keynote: Computational sustainability
These sessions, the introduction to 2020 CGIAR Convention on Big Data in Agriculture and the keynote talk on computational sustainability, aired live at the virtual event.
Welcome to the 2020 CGIAR Convention on Big Data in Agriculture – in a new & globally engaged virtual format! The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) welcome you to this year’s convention.
This One CGIAR event & virtual platform give us the ability to engage with participants from all around the world. In our opening session, we’ll hear from CGIAR leaders on what this convention and the platform means to them. In the wake of global shocks to our lives, food systems, and ways of working – this convention explores the ways in which digital tools can be used to build back resilient food systems.
The event theme, Digital Dynamism for Adaptive Food Systems, will examine food system resilience and highlight how digital tools and technologies can help us sense, respond and (re)build better systems in times of global food security crises.
- Brian King: CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, Coordinator
- Jawoo Koo: Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
- Andy Jarvis: Alliance Bioversity-CIAT, Associate Director General
- Shamaila Ashraf: A-M-Z/DevGlobal Partners, Consultant, Digital Development
Computational Sustainability: Towards dynamic digital responses
Agricultural research for development is constantly evolving to meet changing global demands and integrate new technologies and methods. Currently, applied, responsible digital technology use, leveraging the array and massive amounts of newly available data, has begun to accelerate efforts to generate timely analytics that balance environmental, socioeconomic, biodiversity, and conservation goals. This conversation will explore the past, present and future of agricultural research and examine emerging computational tools that can be used to derive answers to key questions about sustainability, food systems, and development.
- Brian King: CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, Coordinator
- Danielle Wood: Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
- Cheryl Palm: University of Florida, Research Professor
November 12, 2020