The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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VIDEO: Q&A with Inspire Challenge winner: Gamifying weather forecasting: “Let it rain” campaign

Watch Q&A with Sophie Rottmann (The Mediae Company) about the 2019 Inspire Challenge project “Gamifying weather forecasting: Let it rain campaign”

A 2019 Inspire Challenge project is improving regional weather forecasts in Kenya by crowdsourcing weather information and incentivizing farmers uptake of localised agro-advisories.

The changing climate in East Africa combined with a lack of reliable agricultural information reaching farmers, means that farmers may plant or harvest crops at inappropriate times. Just a ten-day planting delay can reduce yields by 50%. In an effort to improve big-data driven weather forecasts and increase uptake of agro-advisory services, the project has gamified weather forecasting–offering incentives for farmers to submit their predictions for the start of the rains and to adopt a free agro-weather advisory service.

Watch project leader Sophe Rottmann (The Mediae Company) chat about the innovative #BigDataInAg research in this video, and read more about the project timeline and achievements here.

April 8, 2020

CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture


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