Rapid Response Grants
Digital Innovation in response to COVID-19

In response to the unfolding food security issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, CGIAR’s Platform for Big Data in Agriculture has made funding available for agile, big-data enabled projects working to tackle food system challenges.
The Inspire Challenge Rapid Response Grants, totaling up to USD100,000, are available to current or previous Inspire Challenge winners—groundbreaking innovations that use big data approaches to solve agricultural development challenges across the globe.
The BIG DATA Platform expects that the Rapid Response Grant winners will build on their learnings as pilot or scale-up projects and leverage their innovative, data-driven designs to respond to the situation with agility. The Inspire Challenge teams up food security researchers with external partners of any type—governments, small startups, other research organizations, and more—to target digital innovation and apply it towards complex food system challenges.
The Rapid Response funds will be awarded on a rolling basis to Inspire projects that bring forth a new or adapted approach to solving food security issues related to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Individual awards can be for any amount between USD10,000 and 50,000.
We are proud to announce the grant winners below.
available for rapid response
10 to 50K
individual grants
to be awarded towards the end of June 2020
Covid-19 Rapid Response Grants Winners
The COVID-19 related crisis provides an opportunity to test a key part of our theory of change: that data and digital tools bring critical capabilities for agile adaptation in food systems.
The 2020 Inspire Challenge first-stage grants process will run mostly as planned but will include specific COVID-19 response, recovery, and resilience metrics added to the judging rubric.
Two new categories, co-designed with funders for 2020, are directly relevant to the current crisis, while all Inspire Challenge categories hold great potential for targeting digital innovation towards food security challenges unfolding from the COVID-19 crisis:
Sustaining Farm Income (NEW!)
Sustaining Farm Income will link sustainable practices in food systems directly back to farm income. It provides a mechanism for digital innovations for (re)building resilient, inclusive agricultural value chains at a time that will be important for COVID-19 recovery.
Measuring and Building Resilience (NEW!)
Measuring and Building Resilience will leverage the vast amount of data and applied research methods to understand and operationalize resilience in target food systems.
Sensing and Renewing Ecosystems
Sensing and Renewing Ecosystems links ecosystem services to long-term resilience of food systems (which could include, for example, managing future risk of zoonotic disease).
Revealing Food Systems
Revealing Food Systems sources and implements novel, high-frequency methods for tracing and understanding food flows (an important capability for monitoring and predicting emergent food security shocks before they become acute).