The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Safaricom Digifarm

Safaricom Digifarm

DigiFarm is an integrated mobile platform that offers farmers convenient, one-stop access to a suite of products, including financial and credit services, quality farm products and customized information on farming best practices. DigiFarm helps agribusinesses and small holding farmers share information and transact business.

Fertilizer optimiation tool (FOT)

Fertilizer optimiation tool (FOT)

The FOT tool is made up of the Optimizer tool, that works alongside other two complementary tools: nutrient substitution table, and a fertilizer calibration. FOT utilized Excel and an optimization algorithm used to predict the crop-nutrient rate options that could maximize profit.

Ushauri: Hotline and online platform

“Ushauri” enables efficient two-way communication between farmers and extension services via voice messages. ”Ushauri” integrates two components : (1) automated 24/7 hotline for farmers, and (2) online platform for extension agents.

ClimMob – digital platform for citizen science

ClimMob is an online software for agricultural citizen science. The ClimMob software relies on a citizen science approach called tricot (triadic comparisons of technologies). The software streamlines the experimental cycle, from design, to digital data collection, automatic analysis and report creation.

iCow service

Th iCow ICT-platform is a tool for disseminating information to smallholder farmers and aims at improving extension services. The iCow services are offered by Green Dream Technology (GDT) in partnership with the Safaricom Foundation and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).