Private Impact Assessment (PIA) – Templates

Private Impact Assessment (PIA) – Templates

A PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment or Data Protection Impact Assessment – DPIA) aims at building and demonstrating compliance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles.

To assist in this process and take into account all GDPR requirements, CNIL has updated its “PIA Guides” as well as its PIA tool. The method is consistent with the WP29 Guidelines and with risk management international standards.

GPS Data Collection

GPS Data Collection

DHS methodology to collecting geographic data and maintaining respondent confidentiality. Additional GPS data collection information is available in the GPS data collection manual.

Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research

Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research

These guidelines are designed to support educational researchers in conducting research to the highest ethical standards in whatever context it is needed. They are not rules and regulations but do represent the tenets of best ethical practice.