The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Youth in Data


Our commitment

The future of food is young, and full of potential. If we are to achieve a sustainable food future, it is vital that today´s youth are able to access the agricultural research sector and that pathways are provided for them to contribute to the transformation needed.

The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture is working towards creating these pathways and opportunities.

“We want to see more youth moving up the value chain. We don’t want to see millions of youth working on the farm. That is not the future of Africa’s youth. The future of Africa’s youth is higher up the value chain – in the service sector, retailing, designing food products – in more profitable agribusinesses that can take on the very best agribusinesses around the world. It is our job to ensure that the youth thrive.”

Debisi Araba

Regional Director for Africa, CIAT

“I believe that everyone has the responsibility to take action and work towards goals they believe in. Youth have a special ability to impact the world, as they are the leaders of the future. ”

Lillian Peterson

BIG DATA Platform Ambassador , Los Alamos High School Student

“Youths are integral to shaping the food secure future and we want to connect them with the right networks that can empower them to do so. It is our goal to equip them to develop new solutions leveraging their own perspectives”

Brian King

Coordinator , CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture

“The notion of the smallholder farmer – hoe in hand, tilling the land – is living on borrowed time. Future farmers will be young agripreneurs with a smartphone in one hand and the controls to a drone in the other.”

Andy Jarvis

Co-Founder / Director, Decision and Policy Analysis Research Area, CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture / CIAT

Youth in Data Workshops

The Youth in Data Workshop takes place every year alongside the Big Data in Agriculture Convention.

The workshops aim to engage youths working in digital agriculture on how to use media to communicate important data-related work, and for those already working in media, to show them how to better report on digital agriculture projects.

The workshop introduces participants to important themes around digital agriculture and how using big data approaches to agricultural development can accelerate food security goals.

Youth in Data Connect

Connecting youth-led initiatives with industry partners

The Platform is compiling a database of global Youth in Data initiatives. We invite youths to submit their initiatives, and industry members to discover ways to get involved.

This is the BIG DATA Platform´s first step towards mapping out a landscape of youth-driven and youth-focused initiatives. From here, we hope to build informed infrastructures that will enable the support of youths in digital agriculture.

The Platform will periodically share updates of the youth initiative profiles with its networks, encouraging them to reach out and connect with initiatives where they might be able to add value.


Data interpretation made me find agriculture very interesting and have a wider perspective beyond land preparation, planting and harvesting.

Grace Waithira

Data is the new exciting currency, every youth should acquire and apply it.

Ann Wavinya

Be ready to learn and share ideas that will push digital data driven platforms.

Olumide Idowu