Crop Modeling
Community of PracticeWelcome!
The Community of Practice on Crop Modeling (CoPCM) is part of the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture and encompasses a wide range of quantitative applications, based around the broad concept of parametrizing interactions within and among the main drivers of cropping system.
The CM-CoP formed in 2017 and is led by Wheat Physiologist Matthew Reynolds at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in El Batán, Mexico.
This space can be used as a discussion area, share and request relevant information and contribute towards building the community as a whole.
Read more
Crop modeling science encompasses a wide range of quantitative applications based on the broad concept of parametrizing interactions within and among the main drivers of cropping systems.
These are namely: genotype, environment, management and socioeconomic factors (GEMS) to provide information and tools for decision support.
By promoting FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles, the CM-CoP fosters a culture that values GEMS data and enables its members to solve global grand challenges faster, better and at greater scale.
The CM-CoP has a virtual meeting space where crop modeling enthusiasts and specialists from 15 CGIAR Centers and other industry organizations can share ideas and resources, find collaborators and co-authors and participate in relevant discussions.
Engage with the Community
Tune in to the latest CoP updates by subscribing to our newsletter.
Interact with community members through our LinkedIn Group.
Community News
- Work Plan 2018 – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2018
- Work Plan 2019 – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2019
- Work Plan 2020 – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2020
Webinars and presentations
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 7: November 2020
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 6: October 2020
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 5: June 2020
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 4: March 2020
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 3: January 2020
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 2: May 2019
- Community of Practice on Crop Modeling Newsletter 1: September 2018
Crop Modeling publications
The Community of Practice on Crop Modeling has compiled a list of relevant Crop Modeling literature published in the last 5 years. Links to the original papers can be found in each reference.
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