The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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AClimateColombia: Agroclimate Forecast Platform

AClimateColombia: Agroclimate Forecast Platform

Digital platform offering users information about: historical weather, climate prediction, historical crop performance and crop prediction. The tool provides a reliable climate information service to farmer associations, making it easy to access agro-climate information, in a precise and timely manner.

Fertilizer optimiation tool (FOT)

Fertilizer optimiation tool (FOT)

The FOT tool is made up of the Optimizer tool, that works alongside other two complementary tools: nutrient substitution table, and a fertilizer calibration. FOT utilized Excel and an optimization algorithm used to predict the crop-nutrient rate options that could maximize profit.