Seeing is believing – Using smartphone camara data
The “Seeing is Believing” project aims to deliver personalized agricultural advice and insurance services to smallholder farmers in India.
GeoFarmer App: Interactive two-way Feedback between Farmers & Experts
GeoFarmer is a user-friendly and flexible tool to gather field data for evidence building for implementation of agricultural development projects. The GeoFarmer app is designed to support experience exchanges (positive or negative) between farmers.
AClimateColombia: Agroclimate Forecast Platform
Digital platform offering users information about: historical weather, climate prediction, historical crop performance and crop prediction. The tool provides a reliable climate information service to farmer associations, making it easy to access agro-climate information, in a precise and timely manner.
Fertilizer optimiation tool (FOT)
The FOT tool is made up of the Optimizer tool, that works alongside other two complementary tools: nutrient substitution table, and a fertilizer calibration. FOT utilized Excel and an optimization algorithm used to predict the crop-nutrient rate options that could maximize profit.