The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Overcoming lockdowns: How digital dynamism powers agile, adaptive CGIAR research

CGIAR staff join for a conversation on how different CGIAR Centers have reacted to the crisis in terms of digital sharing, learning, and communication as well as what insights and lessons there are for how to work together for One CGIAR.

Every cloud has a silver lining–even a pandemic. For months, while the COVID-19 crisis locked CGIAR researchers into their homes, it also unlocked latent digital dynamism across the whole network.

Like green shoots in the sunshine, people across the CGIAR turned in their thousands towards digital tools, applications and opportunities to connect, share, collaborate, communicate and innovate. This wide adoption of virtual work and interactions is a significant positive pandemic ‘legacy’ the CGIAR can ultimately benefit from.

Most CGIAR staff and centers were only semi-ready for the new digital realities. Most individuals and teams learned on the job, experimenting, testing, innovating and ultimately finding what worked best for each situation.  Today, from very diverse starting points and pathways, there’s also growing convergence and much greater collective and individual e-readiness for the future.

This conversation thread of the convention aims to capture, discuss and assess, and share the diverse ways the CGIAR continues to grow and adapt to the virtual ‘normal’. Through a moderated online discussion and a facilitated zoom meeting, it will document technical and behavioural dividends and insights that will help the CGIAR interact as One.

The moderated discussion focuses on lessons and insights in and around the CGIAR, with all participants welcome to contribute.

On 22 October, the facilitated meeting on Zoom (18:30-19:15 CEST) is for CGIAR-affiliated staff to tease out the specific lessons that can inform current practice and perhaps guide future one CGIAR thinking.

22 October 2020 | 18:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna


Register for the discussion:


Time What Who
5 Introduction – why are we doing this – any insights from Whova discussion Peter
10 Menti Warm up

1) How digitally prepared were you for COVID?

2) How useful how are do you find these tools (1-5)?

3) What is one success story you would like share more widely and how can it support ONE-CGIAR moving forward?

4) What is one fail/disappointment/lesson you want to want share?

Michael/ Tsehay
20 Group work on moving forward

1) Which key CGIAR areas can benefit from uptake and use of Digital opportunities (shared services, internal comms) and how?

2) What would is the low hanging fruit/high return activities we could work on?

3) What opportunities are we missing? What else should be considered?

Small groups
10 Highlights to plenary and chat wrap 10
5 Wrap up/Reflections/closing Brian King



October 19, 2020

International Livestock Research Institute Communications


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