WEBINAR – 2019 Inspire Challenge Q&A
This year the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture will award up to 1 million USD in grants to two categories of Inspire Challenge winners. We hosted a Q&A webinar to address potential applicants’ questions.
This year the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture will award up to 1 million USD in grants to two categories of Inspire Challenge winners.
During past applications processes we have found that, while there is a lot that can be learned about the process and previous awards on the website, applications were still missing some important information preventing them from progressing to the final judging process.
We hosted a Q&A webinar to address potential applicants’ questions. Featured speakers include: Brian King, Sessie Burns, and Jawoo Koo. Click here to go straight to Q&A section
To help applicants make the right start, we hosted an online Q&A session to directly interact with potential applicants and answer their questions. You can also access the slides on SlideShare.
June 18, 2019