Geospatial Data
Community of PracticeWelcome!
The Community of Practice on Geospatial data is led by IFPRI and has been launched as a part of the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture.
This community facilitates CGIAR’s research using geospatial data and analysis, undertaking activities to bring spatial scientists together through coordinated communication, community-developed products, and the convening of members at various events to represent CGIAR in the geospatial domain of expertise.
This space can be used as a discussion area, share and request relevant information and contribute towards building the community as a whole.
Community Partners
We work closely with our external partners in academia, donors, and public/private sectors – including ITC, Esri, Digital Globe, and Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium.
Community Members
Members of CGIAR-CSI include all geospatial scientists across CGIAR. Community-wide activities are coordinately by the Global Coordinator. Center-level activities are coordinated by the Center Representative. Currently (as of October 2017), CGIAR-CSI reaches to 90 members across all 15 CGIAR Centers.
If you use geospatial data and analyses in CGIAR, join our community! For external party interest, please sign up for updates or email us direct.
Get in touch
CoP Lead
Jawoo Koo | Email
The CSI-CoP formed in 2017 and is led by Agricultural Engineer and Senior Research Fellow Jawoo Koo at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington D.C, U.S.
Michelle Fotsy | Email
At the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington D.C, U.S
Ivy Romero | Email
At the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington D.C, U.S
Engage with the Community
Tune in to the latest CoP updates by subscribing to our newsletter.
Interact with community members through our LinkedIn Group.
Community News
Some articles in this section were originally posted on the CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI) website.
2017 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2017
2018 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2018
2019 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2019
2020 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2020
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