The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Information and Data Management

Community of Practice



The CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy was ratified by all CGIAR Centers in November 2013, a commitment by CGIAR to the widespread diffusion and reuse of its research and development activities as international public goods. The task of managing CGIAR research outputs in conformance with the Policy has been a key responsibility of Center information specialists and data managers. As part of the Open Access, Open Data Initiative (2014 – 2016) and the Big Data Platform’s Organize Module (2017 to present), these information and data managers organized themselves into the Data Management Task Force (DMTF) and the Open Access Working Group (OAWG). In November 2018 members of these groups voted to consolidate into the Information and Data Management Community of Practice (also known as the IDM CoP).

The CoP works through its Working Groups to develop and implement common standards, tools, and approaches, and already engages with external entities on a variety of fronts (including but not limited to Harvard University for Dataverse repository concerns; Earlham Institute for the COPO data annotation tool; FAO, GODAN, RDA, and other organizations on agrisementic standards). The CoP works to enhance capacity and culture change around data management at Centers, and helps the CGIAR community stay current in a rapidly changing data and publications landscape.

Over the past five years, members of the IDM CoP have worked together to tackle cultural and technical challenges to enable CGIAR’s data assets to be increasingly open as well as FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). We welcome those beyond CGIAR who would like to join us to enhance cross-learning on all sides, to work collaboratively in implementing common standards and approaches towards open and FAIR data, and to leverage opportunities for broader linkages and exchange.

Get in touch

CoP Lead

Medha Devare | Email


Celine Aubert | Email

Engage with the Community



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Webinar - All about GARDIAN

Webinar – All about GARDIAN

This webinar by the Info and Data Management Community of Practice presents GARDIAN, the Global Agricultural Research Data Innovation & ...
Webinar - OpenSAFELY for sensitive agricultural data

Webinar – OpenSAFELY for sensitive agricultural data

This webinar by the Info and Data Management Community of Practice presents OpenSAFELY, a secure analytics platform for electronic health ...
Webinar - Collaboration with the FAO on AGROVOC and AGRIS - The CGIAR exemplar

Webinar – Collaboration with the FAO on AGROVOC and AGRIS – The CGIAR exemplar

The Information and Data Management Community of Practice presents the collaboration between CGIAR and AGROVOC– FAO ...
Webinar – Challenges of managing qualitative data: Stories from the trenches

Webinar – Challenges of managing qualitative data: Stories from the trenches

The Information and Data Management CoP hosts a webinar to discuss the challenges faced when managing qualitative data, including the ...
Webinar - Enabling Data-Driven Transformation of Agriculture

Webinar – Enabling Data-Driven Transformation of Agriculture

The Information and Data Management Community of Practice presented a webinar on data-driven transformation that could enable hyper-local solutions at ...
2020 Convention session - CGIAR's management of data assets

2020 Convention session – CGIAR’s management of data assets

This session on CGIAR's management of data assets aired live at the 2020 virtual CGIAR Convention on Big Data in ...



The Agronomy Field Information Management System (AgroFIMS) consists of modules that represent the typical cycle of operations in agronomic trial management, and enables the creation of data collection sheets using the same ontology-based set of variables, terminology, units and protocols, hence generating FAIR data at collection.

CG Core Agricultural metadata scheme

A list of the metadata elements that are used to describe all types of information products that are published by the different CGIAR Centres.

The Agronomy Ontology (AgrO)

AgrO provides terms from the agronomy domain that are semantically organized and can facilitate the collection, storage and use of agronomic data, enabling easy interpretation and reuse of the data by humans and machines alike.

The Crop Ontology (CO)

The CO’s current objective is to compile validated concepts and their inter-relationships on anatomy, structure and phenotype of crops, on trait measurement and methods as well as on germplasm with the multi-crop passport terms.

Responsible Data Guidelines

Guidelines intended to assist agricultural researchers handle privacy and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the research project data lifecycle.

PII engine: Check your data for PII

This tool identifies personally identifiable information in dataset in order to preserve the privacy of research participants



  • 2021 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2021

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