Information and Data Management
Community of PracticeWelcome!
The CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy was ratified by all CGIAR Centers in November 2013, a commitment by CGIAR to the widespread diffusion and reuse of its research and development activities as international public goods. The task of managing CGIAR research outputs in conformance with the Policy has been a key responsibility of Center information specialists and data managers. As part of the Open Access, Open Data Initiative (2014 – 2016) and the Big Data Platform’s Organize Module (2017 to present), these information and data managers organized themselves into the Data Management Task Force (DMTF) and the Open Access Working Group (OAWG). In November 2018 members of these groups voted to consolidate into the Information and Data Management Community of Practice (also known as the IDM CoP).
The CoP works through its Working Groups to develop and implement common standards, tools, and approaches, and already engages with external entities on a variety of fronts (including but not limited to Harvard University for Dataverse repository concerns; Earlham Institute for the COPO data annotation tool; FAO, GODAN, RDA, and other organizations on agrisementic standards). The CoP works to enhance capacity and culture change around data management at Centers, and helps the CGIAR community stay current in a rapidly changing data and publications landscape.
Over the past five years, members of the IDM CoP have worked together to tackle cultural and technical challenges to enable CGIAR’s data assets to be increasingly open as well as FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). We welcome those beyond CGIAR who would like to join us to enhance cross-learning on all sides, to work collaboratively in implementing common standards and approaches towards open and FAIR data, and to leverage opportunities for broader linkages and exchange.
Engage with the Community
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- Using CG Core, the CGIAR Metadata Schema
- Semantic Annotation of Images in the FAIR Data Era
- GARDIAN FAIR Application & Guidelines
- Can machine learning technologies be useful to create or complete ontologies in agriculture?
- What makes an Ontology a reference resource for data annotation?
- Managing research data with Globus
- Responsible Data Guidelines and Key Concepts on handling of PII
- Open data, privacy protection & ethics clearance: tensions in a fragmented compliance landscape
- The 100 questions activity within the Big Data in Agriculture Platform: can we define a common core for household survey instruments?
- Describing community data – consequences & opportunities for knowledge workers
- Text-Mining and Semantic Resources for Agriculture & Food Science
- BMGF OA Policy
- FAIR Data Stewardship
- Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHoMIS)
- 2021 Work Plan – Detailed description of expected outcomes and deliverables for 2021
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