The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Plantix is a multi-lingual plant disease and pest diagnostic App. It improves profitability thanks to the latest technology and globally pooled farming know-how.


Progressive Environmental & Agricultural Technologies (PEAT), a German start-up company has developed Plantix, a multi-lingual plant disease and pest diagnostic App. Farmers and extension workers worldwide are plagued by one question: ‘Are my plants doing well?’. Plantix has the answers. The smart phone application assists in identifying plant damage with the help machine learning and artificial intelligence. Images taken by the user are directly uploaded using internet to the servers and automatically analyzed by PEATs algorithms which identify the disease with results back to the user within a few seconds. Critical information on symptoms, triggers, agro-chemicals as well as biological treatments are provided to the user. Furthermore, the App encompasses a weather information system specific to farmers’ location and a community feature that facilitates interaction with other stakeholders interested in plant protection services. There is a crop guide to handhold farmers for the entire crop cycle. All pictures sent via the App are geo-time-tagged thereby enabling real-time monitoring of pest and diseases.

ICRISAT and its partner state agricultural universities played a critical role in customizing Plantix App for the local crop needs. Plantix was launched in Telugu language for the first time in India by the honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 25th May, 2017 during Collector’s conference in Vijayawada. Currently, Plantix has been downloaded by over 7 million users in India with a database of more than 10.5 million pictures with a significant contribution from India. It has been translated into 16 global languages (8 Indian). Plantix can now identify over 385 crop diseases among field crops, fruit and vegetables.

Estimated number of active users:

  • At inception: 10000
  • At time of last report: 7000000

Evidence of impact

In less than 2 years after the launch of Plantix in India, the app has been downloaded by more than 7 million users with 80% Indian and the rest accounted by countries from south-east Asia, South America and North Africa. Plantix has a monthly active user base of 1 million mainly comprising of farmers and agricultural extension workers. Every day approximately 20,000 images are uploaded by users and the community feature has 15,000 messages. Live tracking of a recently introduced invasive pest (fall armyworm) in India and south-east Asia was made possible using Plantix app

➥ Economic impact: 

➥ Environmental impact: 

➥ Social impact: 

➥ Technical impact: 

➥ Impact on overall efficiency

Increased efficiency by 26-50%