LD4D community will continue for five more years

A livestock keeper in Bangladesh tends to his ducks. SEBI-Livestock will continue to mobilise data and evidence to support more effective livestock investments in low-and middle-income countries. Photo: WorldFish.

Supported by the new SEBI-Livestock 5-year programme

By Vanessa Meadu

The Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice will continue its collaborative work to develop data-driven solutions to livestock challenges, thanks to a new phase of funding under the SEBI-Livestock programme. SEBI-Livestock, the new Centre for Supporting Evidence Based Interventions in Livestock, mobilises and applies data and evidence to help the livestock community make better investments that improve livelihoods for smallholders in low and middle-income countries.

Over the past four years, LD4D has engaged with over 400 people to discuss and collaborate on solutions to data challenges. LD4D is also the Livestock Community of Practice for the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture.

One of the key outputs of LD4D has been the Livestock Fact Check project which has generated 9 factsheets investigating the origin of popular livestock facts.

The community recently met virtually to take stock of achievements and agree on a roadmap for the next phase of work.

Watch the announcement from SEBI-Livestock Program Director Prof Andy Peters

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Vanessa Meadu is the Communications and Knowledge Exchange Specialist at SEBI-Livestock, the Centre for Supporting Evidence Based Interventions in Livestock. SEBI-Livestock facilitate the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice. SEBI is awarded to the University of Edinburgh’s Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

This article was originally posted on the Livestock Data for Decisions website | Read article

June 8, 2020

Gareth Salmon


This article was originally posted on the Livestock Data for Decisions website | Read article