YOUTH IN DATA BLOG: Who knows the crop better than the farmer?
SLAM (Self-learning advice for farmers) was a finalist in the 2019 Inspire Challenge competition. Learn about what sets the project apart.
SLAM (Self-learning advice for farmers) was a finalist in the 2019 Inspire Challenge competition. Learn about what sets the project apart.
Report back from the 2019 CGIAR Big Data in Agriculture Convention.
Armed with AI-equipped smartphones, African farmers should be able to detect and deal with potato viruses before they get out of hand.
The Ontologies Community of Practice launched a webinar series to debate, share, and advance our thinking on selected topics in the domain of ontologies. During this second webinar we learned about machine learning technologies and the link with ontologies.
CGIAR Webinar by the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture’s Community of Practice on Ontologies – Can machine learning technologies be useful to create or complete ontologies in agriculture?