The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Digital Extension Services Blog Competition – CLOSED

Are you developing or applying technologies for digital extension services? Are you an enthusiastic agritech entrepreneur that has tackled the challenges that come with implementing novel digital extension technologies in agriculture? If so, this call for blog submissions is for you! 

Around the world, governmental agencies, NGOs, private sector companies, and start-ups are developing and deploying tools that either aid extension agents or take over the role of extension agents all together in areas where services are unavailable to farmers. Moreover, the quality of these extension services can be greatly enhanced by digitising data-collection and integrating information provides more precise and timely advice to farmers.

Advisory services have the potential to enhance production potential, and, at scale, impact national and global food security. However, there is no database for common errors and solutions in technology development, piloting, adoption, scaling, business models, etc. 

Because of the lack of a central database, mistakes are unnecessarily repeated and valuable information, worldwide, is being neglected. Holding back on this advancement does not only economically affect entrepreneurs, but it also impacts farmers and, most broadly, global food security.  

This blog competition is an opportunity for those working in the digital extension in agriculture field to share their experiences with their technologies, business models, key challenges, and major bottlenecks, as well as how they solved such challenges, when creating and implementing innovative solutions. What could others learn from your experience?

How can I get involved?

The Data-Driven Agronomy Community of Practice invites you to share your firsthand experience working with digital extension services in the agricultural sector.

In the first section of your blog, please provide information about your technology/service and its expected impact. In the second and third sections, elaborate on your experiences, thoughts, and advice.

The information presented in blog submissions will be shared among scientists, policymakers, agripreneurs, and NGOs to improve collective knowledge on innovation in the field, strategies for overcoming bottlenecks, and future opportunities.

The prompt

  1. Describe your digital extension service. Tell us what technology is used, how you reach end-users, your business model, the expected impact, and what’s most innovative about your approach. 400 words maximum.
  2. What are the biggest challenges you have faced? How did you overcome them? E.g. money, policy, clientele needs, technology, data, infrastructure, scaling, sustainability. 500 words maximum.
  3. In your opinion, what is the main opportunity for digital extension services? What recommendations would you make in order to realize this opportunity? 100 words maximum.

Who can participate?

We welcome entries from anyone who has experience working with digital extension services in the agricultural sector. We want to hear from a wide array of innovators in the field.

How to submit

  • Prepare a blog of 1000 words, maximum, addressing the three points above. You may use more words in certain sections and less in others, but please be sure to keep the total word count to 1000 words maximum. Submissions over 1000 words will not be considered.
  • The submission must be an original article not previously published in any other publication, online or in print.
  • Click here to complete the entry form and submit your blog.

Competition dates

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Entry closes 7 December 2019.

Prizes and judging process

Submissions will be assessed by a panel of judges composed of industry experts. They will select winners based on the following criteria: conveying information for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, relevance, originality, and writing skills.

Three winners will be awarded prizes of 200 USD each.

Photo: Manon Koningstein / CIAT

August 29, 2019

Wietske Kropff

Coordinator of the Data-Driven Agronomy Community of Practice
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Cali, Colombia


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