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DigiFarm is an integrated mobile platform that offers farmers convenient, one-stop access to a suite of products, including financial and credit services, quality farm products and customized information on farming best practices. DigiFarm helps agribusinesses and small holding farmers share information and transact business.
DigiFarm is an integrated mobile platform that offers farmers convenient, one-stop access to a suite of products, including financial and credit services, quality farm products and customized information on farming best practices. DigiFarm helps agribusinesses and small holding farmers share information and transact more easily.
DigiFarm’s vision is to make the small holder farmer wealthier from the same piece of land by addressing the following gaps;
1. Knowledge on best farming practices
2. Quality inputs
3. Access to financial services – credit & insurance
4. Access to markets.
Estimated number of active users:
- At inception: 20000
- At time of last report: 1038817
Evidence of impact
1. To date, nearly 60,000 digital input loans have been approved with nearly 90% repayment rates. There are ongoing efforts to increase loan amounts up to 28,000 KSH with growing numbers of repeat borrowers building credit histories.
2. Nearly 310k farmers have accessed DigiFarm learning content through platform learning partners including Arifu (with more than 2m interactions on the service), iCow, Mediae and product FAQ on DigiFarm.
3. More than 50k farmers have purchased inputs through the DigiFarm input platform with partner iProcure, many of
whom were repeat customers. Safaricom and iProcure are now offering agrodealers across Kenya with access to inputs and DigiFarm through franchise models.
4. Currently 1,038,817 farmers are registered, with 43% women and an activity rate of 30%. In 2018, DigiFarm rolled out the DigiFarm Village Advisor network, providing 1,500 field experts to support farmers’ digital journey.