The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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CGIAR-CSI Goes to AfricaGIS 2019

CGIAR-CSI partners with EIS-Africa to participate in the upcoming AfricaGIS 2019 conference in Rwanda in November 2019. About 30 community members representing all CGIAR Centers and partners will present their latest research in the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security track.

AfricaGIS 2019

Innovations in Geospatial Technologies for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Africa

Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village, Rwanda
18-22 November 2019

AfricaGIS is the largest geospatial conference on the African continent and has been served as one of the flagship GIS marketplace in Africa. This year’s conference will especially highlight the role of geospatial technologies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition to the conference participations, CGIAR-CSI also plans to organize a half-day technical workshop on the use of R for analyzing satellite remote sensing imagery to estimate crop field boundary and yield, in collaboration with the Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium (GFC). More details about the workshop and the conference agenda will be available soon from the conference website.

See you in Kigali!

September 16, 2019

