The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Mapping Inland Valleys in Benin, Sierra Leone, and Mali

Justin Djagba (AfricaRice) and Sander Zwart (IWMI) co-authored a data article describing the dataset used in two earlier studies that investigated the potential of rice production in inland valleys. The dataset includes the location-specific biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics analyzed from the interview of about 7500 farmers in 500 inland valleys across three countries. The full dataset includes data files in tabular (Excel) and GPS (KMZ) formats is available to download from the article’s webpage.


The dataset described in this data article represents four agricultural zones in West-Africa that are located in three countries: Benin, Mali and Sierra Leone. The dataset was created through a research collaboration between AfricaRice, Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) and the Institute for Rural Economy (IER).

The dataset was compiled to investigate the potential for rice production in inland valleys of the three countries. The results of the investigation were published in Dossou-Yovo et al. (2017) and Djagba et al. (2018). The dataset describes the biophysical and socioeconomic conditions of 499 inland valleys in the four agricultural zones. In each inland valley data were collected through a focus group interview with a minimum of three farmers. A total of 7496 farmers participated in the 499 interviews. The location of each inland valley was determined with handheld GPS devices. The geographic locations were used to extract additional parameters from digital maps on soils, elevation, population density, rainfall, flow accumulation, and distances to roads, market places, rice mills, chemical input stores, and settlements. The dataset contains 65 parameters in four themes (location, biophysical characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics, and inland valley land development and use). The GPS coordinates indicate the location of an inland valley, but they do not lead to the location of individual fields of farmers that were interviewed. The dataset is publicly shared as supplementary data to this data article.

Djagba, J.F., Kouyaté, A.M., Baggie, I. and Zwart, S.J., 2019. A geospatial dataset of inland valleys in four zones in Benin, Sierra Leone and Mali. Data in brief23, p.103699.

August 30, 2019

