The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Mergdata is Farmerline’s proprietary software technology which enables players in the value chain to manage their last mile transactions with farmers no matter the numbers or their location.


Mergdata offers decentralized traceability, certification audit, farm mapping, farmer education, and analytics solutions to help organizations that work with farmers achieve their sustainability and food security goals efficiently.

Farmerline also uniquely combines Mergdata’s solutions and a network of over 200 field agents to access and deliver information and resources to smallholder farmers. Their objective is to help smallholder farmers increase productivity and yield, to generate lasting profits and develop viable, sustainable businesses.

In the field, agents use Mergdata Android application to collect information about farmers, create digital profiles for them and take their input demands. The technology is also used to disseminate location-specific weather forecasts, market prices and climate-smart agricultural practices suited for the specific crops they grow. All these information are made available through mobile voice messages in the farmer’s preferred local language.

Estimated number of active users:

  • At inception: 2000
  • At time of last report: 360000

Evidence of impact

This technology has collected insights from over 360,000 farmers across 13 countries, mapped over 1,000,000 acres of farmland, and farmers have spent over 800,000 minutes learning best practices on the platform. Mergdata has been used in over 60 projects in the African food & agriculture sector.  

According to a 3rd party impact assessment conducted by Acumen Lean Data, 65% of the farmers who have benefitted from Mergdata’s solutions are receiving quality and affordable inputs for the first time. 89% of them are satisfied with the service and would like to continue working with Farmerline. Mergdata has been able to reach some of the most vulnerable farmers as 54% of the beneficiary farmers live below the poverty line.

➥ Economic impact: 

➥ Environmental impact: 

➥ Social impact: 

➥ Technical impact: 

➥ Impact on overall efficiency

Increased efficiency by 0-25%