Community Meeting | December 2019
Meeting date: 11 December
Meeting place: Online Zoom meeting
ICRISAT | Murali Gumma
IFPRI | Jawoo Koo, Ivy Romero
WorldFish | Shwu Jiau Teoh
CIMMYT | Kai Sonder
CIAT | Silvia-Elena Castano
IITA | Tunrayo Alabi
- Activities in 2019
- Planning for 2020
- Any other business items
- Datasets from 2018 mini-grants delivered. A new set of accessibility data layers published as a Data Descriptor article in Scientific Data.
- Smallholders’ Adaptation Atlas initiative launched as a bilateral project under the CGIAR Platform of Big Data in Agriculture. Please find the meeting notes here. Follow-up meetings will be organized.
- Shared Services. Quick updates on the current portfolio: GBDX, aWhere, LandScan 2017, IBM Historical Weather, IBM Seasonal Probabilistic Forecasts. The BIG DATA Platform is reviewing the modality of these services. Surveys may be conducted to review the service usage and collect feedback comments.
- Actively participated in the 2019 Big Data in Agriculture Convention. Sessions included: Drones for Agriculture, a side-event organized by Chandrashekhar Biradar (ICARDA), Georeferenced Data, co-organized with Radiant Earth Foundation, and Geospatial Partners’ Showcase.
- Participated at the 2019 AfricaGIS with four CGIAR Centers and organized a CGIAR session. No other community-wide activity was organized.
- White paper on the Use of Georeferenced Data in CGIAR, including our review of Radiant Earth’s proposed protocol, being developed by SpatialDev (Todd) and McGill (Grant).
- Co-investment being made to Hiphen for the UAV-based phenotyping, together with CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform.
- Discussed to provide the 2019 mini-grant to UC Davis to update WorldClim and BioClim using the downscaled CMIP6 Climate Projection data. There’s a community-wide interest in the ECMWF’s ERA5 historical daily weather data too.
- Reviewed the 2020 Plan of Work and Budget submitted to the Platform.
- Discussed to decide the venue and dates of a three-day face-to-face workshop (venue, time) to cover the topics of the adaptation atlas, geospatial use-cases for the Evidence Clearinghouse, and the geospatial science aspects of CGIAR Digital Strategy.
Action Items
- Jawoo to share the Hiphen discussion with Tunrayo, connecting with Chandra (ICARDA) and Vincent (ICRISAT/EiB).
- Kai discussed we may not need another LandScan for 2018 as changes are probably minor from 2017. Five-year intervals would be more meaningful.
- Jawoo and Kai to clarify whether the mini-grant for WorldClim would be duplicative with the CCAFS Climate downscaling effort.
- Decided a three-day in-person workshop to be held in Amsterdam in March 2020. Three agenda items:
- Climate change adaptation atlas
- Geospatial use-cases for the Big Data Evidence Clearinghouse
- Contribution to the geospatial science aspects of CGIAR Digital Strategy. First two weeks of March are preferred. Jawoo will send out a Doodle to decide the exact three-day window within the weeks. Center Rep + one will be invited. Airfare and hotel will be covered by CSI.
December 11, 2019
Jawoo Koo