The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture closed in December 2021. Its work continues under the CGIAR Digital Innovation initiative and the Digital and Data unit at System Office

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Our Communities of Practice

The Platform’s technical Communities of Practice (CoP’s), which are part of the Platform’s Module 2: Convene, work towards defining data standards and interoperability protocols, dovetailed with the Open Access and Open Data initiatives of the System Management Office. In addition, they foster collaboration spaces and opportunities, facilitate connectivity and sharing of methodologies, and support the organization of capacity-building workshops. 

Our communities

Data-driven Agronomy

A community aimed at collectively strengthening the innovation of technology and big data to tackle an array of agricultural challenges – including the closing of yield gaps – to reduce hunger and poverty and transform global agriculture.

Crop Modeling

A community that encompasses a wide range of quantitative applications, based around the broad concept of parametrizing interactions within and among the main drivers of cropping system.

Geospatial Data

A community that facilitates CGIAR’s research using geospatial data and analysis, undertaking activities to bring spatial scientists together through a series of coordinated communications and activities.

Ontologies Data

A community that focuses on the use and application of semantics for data harmonization at the levels of collection and storage, and for data interoperability and data discovery following the FAIR principles.

Info and Data Management

A community that works towards enhancing capacity and culture change around data management at Centers, and helps the CGIAR community stay current in a rapidly changing data and publications landscape.

Livestock Data

A community that brings together livestock and data modellers with project implementers and decision makers from industry, the public sector and NGOs o drive informed livestock decision-making through the better use of existing data and analyses.

Socio-economic Data

A community that works on strategies to make the data interoperable, in order to enhance the impact and the use of CGIAR-related socio-economic data for partners in development.

News from our communities

Webinar - Next-gen crop production analytics

Webinar – Next-gen crop production analytics

This webinar, co-presented by the Geospatial Data Community of Practice and the Enabling Crop Analytics at Scale Initiative, present a ...
Webinar - An introductory journey to the Virtual Knowledge Graph approach to data access and data integration

Webinar – An introductory journey to the Virtual Knowledge Graph approach to data access and data integration

This webinar by the Ontologies Community of Practice features a presentation on accessing scientific data stored in (relational) databases through ...
Webinar - Potential climate-related impacts on future maize and wheat yields

Webinar – Potential climate-related impacts on future maize and wheat yields

This webinar by the Crop Modeling Community of Practice presents a recently published study showing potential climate-related impacts on maize ...
Webinar - Digital innovations in agriculture

Webinar – Digital innovations in agriculture

This webinar by the Geospatial Data Community of Practice presents four applications of digital innovations for index-based agricultural insurance products ...
Webinar - Old data for new insights

Webinar – Old data for new insights

This webinar by the Geospatial Data Community of Practice presents a new study published in Nature Food. Panelists show that ...
Webinar - Modeling with 40 years of international wheat data

Webinar – Modeling with 40 years of international wheat data

This webinar by the Crop Modeling Community of Practice presents selected outputs from big data analysis of four decades of ...
New webpage featuring the most used ontologies in the agri-food domain

New webpage featuring the most used ontologies in the agri-food domain

The Ontologies Community of Practice has developed a webpage providing at a glance the most popular ontologies in the agri-food ...
Webinar - The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

Webinar – The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

This webinar by the Ontologies Community of Practice presents the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance. Given that most Indigenous ...
Webinar - Cocoa Ontology: A collaborative pathway for FAIR data

Webinar – Cocoa Ontology: A collaborative pathway for FAIR data

This webinar by the Ontologies Community of Practice presents the integrated data collection workflow that has been developed to make ...

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