The latest Big Data in Agriculture news

The Platform for Big Data and the digital future of CGIAR
The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture is coming to the end of its cycle. Here are some important proof-points looking back over the Platform's start in 2017 ...

Read about where BIG DATA's capabilities might appear within the new One CGIAR ...

Webinar – Digital innovations in agriculture
This webinar by the Geospatial Data Community of Practice presents four applications of digital innovations for index-based agricultural insurance products ...

New webpage featuring the most used ontologies in the agri-food domain
The Ontologies Community of Practice has developed a webpage providing at a glance the most popular ontologies in the agri-food domain along with the ontologies developed by CGIAR and its ...

Big data and agricultural research: Results of online survey for CAS Secretariat commissioned independent evaluation
The CGIAR Advisory Services Shared Secretariat (CAS Secretariat), in line with its mandate and 2021 workplan, commissioned an independent evaluation team of subject matter experts to evaluate the work of ...
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WEBINAR SUMMARY – Big data & COVID-19: Input supply chains & on-farm realities (Eps. 2)
The second episode of our Discussion Series: Big data solutions to COVID-19 & food security, brought together four panelists to discuss challenges and solutions to input supply chains and on-farm realities.

CGIAR awards 100K in Rapid Response Grants to digital innovations tackling COVID-19 impacts
Additional funding will help three innovative projects roll out digitally-enabled, data-driven responses to food security challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19 Discussion Series: Eps. 1 – Intro panel on challenges and solutions
The first episode of our Discussion Series: Big data solutions to COVID-19 & food security, brought together experts to give an overview of the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the opportunities big data solutions present.

WEBINAR SUMMARY – Big data & COVID-19: Intro panel on the challenges and solutions (Eps. 1)
The first episode of our Discussion Series: Big data solutions to COVID-19 & food security, brought together experts to give an overview of the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the opportunities big data solutions present.

Big data helping low-income consumers in Nairobi better access fresh fruit and vegetables
Underused data, big data analytics, and ICT survey tools promise to reveal new and useful insights into the complex, multi-actor markets that feed Nairobi’s growing urban population.

CGIAR awarding 100K in Rapid Response Grants to digital innovations tackling COVID-19 impacts
Additional funding will help catalyze the BIG DATA Platform’s portfolio of innovative, big data projects’ responses to food security challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis.
News from our Communities of Practice
Youth in Data

VIDEO: Q&A with David Wiberg from the International Water Management Institute
2019 Youth in Data delegate Neeharika Malladi interviews David Wiberg from The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) on his 2019 Inspire Challenge finalist project “Real time East Africa Live Ground Water Use Database."

VIDEO: Q&A with Monique Morrow from
Interview by 2019 Youth in Data Delegate Habeebuddin Mir at the BIG DATA Convention held in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 October.

YOUTH IN DATA BLOG: Who knows the crop better than the farmer?
SLAM (Self-learning advice for farmers) was a finalist in the 2019 Inspire Challenge competition. Learn about what sets the project apart.

Calling for delegates to participate in 2019 Youth in Data Media Bootcamp!
This event builds on the launch of our BIG DATA youth initiatives, as we work to engage with youth in the agriculture and digital space sector in a meaningful way.
Policy seminar: Digital technologies are crucial to transforming Africa’s food systems
A recent policy seminar brought together four speakers who addressed how new digital technologies and services are already making an ...
Connecting farmers to better information in Nepal
An Interactive Voice Response service is putting remote farmers in touch withwith a ‘world of information’ to improve livelihoods The ...
Scientists develop an early warning system that delivers wheat rust predictions directly to farmers’ phones
New research describes a revolutionary early warning system that can predict and mitigate wheat rust diseases in Ethiopia ...
UN-sponsored report acknowledges CIMMYT’s use of data and technologies to promote sustainable farming in Latin America
CIMMYT’s work featured on the Counting on the World to Act report, produced by SDSN and TReNDS. What to read ...